Back to Blogging

I’ve not been particularly active on the blogging scene since the start of summer, for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it’s summer and evenings are longer and there are more distractions (including a rather smashing couple of weeks in Austria). I’ve also had a fairly busy time at work, with several days spent away from home. And I took part in a ‘murder mystery dinner’ as one of the suspects, which was great fun but meant I had lines to learn.

But the main reason was that I was just feeling a bit low. Which is unusual for me, because I consider myself to be a fairly happy, laid-back kind of chap. I wasn’t actually depressed or anxious, as far as I understand those feelings; it’s kind of hard to express this in terms of ‘depression’ when, emotionally speaking, I don’t have the language or experience to talk about it in any seriously meaningful way. In my day to day existence as husband, dad, colleague etc. I was perfectly fine (I think) but what had taken a huge hit was my enthusiasm for creativity. I just couldn’t work up any desire to sit down and write or draw.

So what caused this state of apathy? Bloody ‘Brexit’, that’s what. The thought that half the people who voted were so far removed from my views was unsettling enough, but the fact that they were happily endangering the prosperity of my country and denying me rights and privileges as an EU citizen was, to be perfectly frank, a bit of a pisser.

Hence the hiatus.

But a few things have happened recently that have perked me up a bit. The Olympics have shown the best of British instead of the worst and, although the time difference to Rio has led to some late nights and bleary eyes in the morning, I’m no longer feeling embarrassed about my country. Positive vibes are ascendant once more, stamping their happy feet all over reports of xenophobia, delusional expectations and racism.

The other key thing happened today when the lovely Diana Wallace Peach reblogged my short story ‘Broken Sign‘ which set off a chain reaction of more reblogging. I’ve had loads of new visitors leaving many wonderful comments and I generally feel chuffed to bits. So thank you to all of you who’ve liked and commented and helped restore my mojo. There are already a few things in the pipeline that I need to get working on!  😀

And this has all given me at least a slightly better understanding of depression, even though it’s still a million miles away from the black dog that haunts many sufferers.


19 thoughts on “Back to Blogging

  1. Congrats on the short story reblog! I understand your feelings about Brexit — though I’m not from the UK, here in the US we’re having our own show of racist, xenophobic insanity in the form of our presidential elections. Talk about a huge bummer. Hang in there, and congrats again! 🙂

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    1. Yep – we’ve been sitting open mouthed at the antics of Trump for the past year, mocking his bizarre populist empty rhetoric – and then we go and swallow exactly the same idiocy from our own bunch of idiots. Unbelievable.
      But thanks for stopping by & saying hi! 🙂

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  2. Creativity, and being creative, is a long game, with peaks and troughs… when I saw your name on Diana’s blog, I knew you’d be absolutely made up about it. I’m so glad it’s sparked off such a reaction 🙂

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  3. Thanks for the mention, Nick, and I’m delighted that the story got such mileage and perked up your writing spirits! And the Olympics are fabulous, aren’t they? A cure for the blues. I love cheering for all those wonderful young people from all over the world. We all win 🙂

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  4. Glad to hear that you are out of the creative slump! It happens to the best of us but the very best eventually know that they will get out of it. And, I am so glad that I came across your story on Diana’s website. One thing led to another and here I am, and just in time too (I’ve missed all the boring bits 🙂 ). Looking forward to getting to know you and your writings better!

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  5. Good to see you back, and Broken Signs is well worthy of being reblogged and reread numerous times.
    Brexit…what a farce. I didnt get too caught up, but the choice to leave seems fairly moronic to me, not sure how it happened…oh yeah, there are millions of morons out there.
    The olympics is a good pick me up, I went off my usual posting schedule as well, but largely back on it.

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